2024 Feature Videos

The General highlight features in CABINET VISION 2024 include:

JavaScript User Created Standards
CABINET VISION’s powerful User Created Standards functionality allows users to create scripts to customise the behaviour of the software. With the latest release users can now utilise JavaScript as an alternative in creating User Created Standards, opening this functionality up to a larger pool of programmers. By using a mainstream, well-documented programming language, users are able to debug their code using developer tools such as Visual Studio Code, and can find reusable code online. Additionally, a new tool is available to convert a standard UCS into JavaScript.

Show Part Names and Sizes on Patterns
CNC Operators will benefit from being able to see part names and sizes directly on each part on optimisation and nest pattern reports. Not only does this make it much easier to identify the part being cut, users can reduce errors by no longer needing to cross-reference the part drawing with a part list.

Room Level additions in CABINET VISION 2024 include the new Replace Assembly feature. Designers and engineers can save time during the design process with the new Replace Assembly feature. It is now quick and easy to make the change if a designer or their customer changes their mind on an assembly used within a layout.

Assemblies features | CABINET VISION 2024

The Section Editor is the most used and versatile area of CABINET VISION. The latest release makes the Section Editor even more powerful by adding the ability to take measurements directly in the editor without the need to switch views. Users can also now establish the door reveals on an assembly when it is next to a deeper or taller cabinet via a construction method, saving time and reducing errors due to manual overrides.